Velofel za dollars every single month fifty thousand a year just for being good old you know you can certainly do a lot on three thousand dollars a month have a very comfortable place to live eat well play video games all day maybe go to the beach hang out with your friends but you're never going to become super successful in life because it's just too damn easy to be a lazy bastard when you're collecting a $3,000 check you know that $3,000 check is coming every month so why are you gonna bust your ass working a 60-hour workweek to maybe start a new business in 99% of cases you're simply not going to do it so for the vast vast majority a very good-looking men they just take those free easy give me s and they stop there and that's it in fact the funny thing is it's usually the shorter less attractive guys that are coming from a place of pain and scarcity that have worked really hard on themselves that you see with some of the very hottest girls because they had motivation to reach for the top of the mountain so there's two conclusions I want you to take from this number one if you are an average looking guy use that reputation of this impression than the topics that we are discussing this afternoon. The Vedas are full of hymns wanting to live 100 years in good health [FL] jeevaema sharadhas sadham, again and again you will find this in the Vedas. And you will see reaffirmation of this in the Ayurveda in several places. And the co
iOnPoverty empowers Millenials with the information and resources they need to pursue careers with purpose. Kip helped drive up iOnPoverty's Twitter engagement by over 300 percent.
AMIS Cameroon
AMIS Cameroon bridges the gap between farmers and consumers to reduce hunger and poverty for millions of Cameroonians. Together, Kip and AMIS raised $10,000 for Executive Director, Tambe Harry, to attend the Unreasonable Institute.
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Patrick Ip
Chief Coffee Officer
Patrick can’t stop and won’t stop. That’s probably why coffee is his best friend. Running on sheer drive and a relentless vision, Patrick will cross the finish line and then will keep on sprinting for miles. For him, there’s no point in slowing down when there’s limitless potential for change.
Sonia Chokshi
Chief Hug Officer
Sonia’s favorite things to do in the whole world are smile, hug, and high five. Awesome was probably her first word, and she uses it to describe anyone and everyone – because what gets her out of bed in the morning are the people that make this world move, and she’s on a mission to help them move it.
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